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What is Dance Movement Psychotherapy?

Dance Movement Psychotherapy* is a postgraduate level profession which offers a system of embodied skills to help make, maintain and repair the relationship to body, self and other(s). DMP training involves helping clients ask ‘body questions’, drawing connections between movement behaviour and life stress, and transforming relationships through the vehicle of psychotherapeutic creative expression.

(Acarón 2020)


Acarón, Thania. “Embodied Decision Making: Self-Reflexivity in Professional Development Practice.” (In Press), 2020, pp. 1–14, LINK


*The profession is also termed 'dance movement therapy' in Europe, United States & other parts of the world. We invite you to check out the world of research and evidence-based for the profession.

In Wales, we now have the DMP Wales Hub, in which we post events and workshops related to movement and wellbeing. (Join the group here)

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